Release Locations for Rehabilitated Birds - Technical Details

These are low-level details of the suitability analysis I performed for rehabilitated bird release locations.

Data Sources

First, a quick recap of the data sources I used.

Abundance Data

I downloaded raster datasets representing abundance of Western Grebes by using the ebirdst package for R. The data consists of GeoTIFF rasters representing abundance by week, by season (breeding, post-breeding migration, non-breeding, pre-breeding migration), and a year-round average.

Wildlife Area Boundaries

US Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) boundary data was retrieved from USFWS Geospatial Services. This data set includes features showing the boundaries of NWRs.

California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) owned and operated lands data was retrieved from the CDFW GIS Clearinghouse. This data includes features showing the boundaries of state wildlife areas and ecological reserves, and includes a field that indicates whether the area is open to public access.

Drive-Time Areas

Drive-time area polygon features, also known as isochrones, were generated using openrouteservice. Openrouteservice exports the features as GeoJSON, and I used QGIS to convert them to a shapefile for use in ArcMap.

Suitability Analysis

Suitability was determined by assigning scores to the various data inputs and then adding the score rasters together to get a final score.

The score rasters were added together to create the final suitability raster. I refer to the final score for an area as its release value.

Western Grebe release value, breeding season (May 31 - Jul 20). Yellow values are lowest, dark blue are highest.

small release value map